‘They’re my heroes’: Twin brothers born at 24 weeks are now thriving toddlers
Charlie and Harvey Baker were born at just 24 weeks in May 2017 weighing just over one pound each. The twins were a miracle, not just for surviving such an early birth, but because they also had the rare condition twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Doctors told their parents, Luci and Joseph, that the boys had a slim chance of surviving. Now they are three years old. Citește mai mult

After a miscarriage, Rachel realized what her two previous abortions had done: ‘I was traumatized’
Told she could not become pregnant, Rachel was shocked by not one, but two unexpected pregnancies within the same year. The decision to have an abortion the first time was a quick one, but the second one was difficult. More than two decades later, Rachel regrets both. Citește mai mult

Episode 3 of The Outlook – Students for Life Ireland
„Here is episode 3 of The Outlook. Melissa will share with us how she changed her mind from voting Yes in the abortion referendum in 2018 to now being a committed pro-life volunteer. She also will tell how the birth of her daughter Grace has had a massive impact on her life.
This is an incredible story and one you won’t want to miss!!”
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