In that moment I thought, it doesn’t matter how awful my life is, I just can’t do it.
„In 1990 I was an unmarried mom. I already had a 12 year old daughter and a 8 month old baby.
At the time, I thought I was just fat. I looked in the mirror one day and knew my stomach was an odd shape. I was pregnant.
I was in a very abusive relationship so I went to an abortion doctor. I told him I already had two children and I was in an abusive relationship. He agreed to do it.
He said he was going to give me a shot and I would come in the next day for the second half of the procedure. I got on the table and lay there. He was getting ready to give me a shot that would soften my cervix for him to do the abortion the next day.
In that moment I thought, it doesn’t matter how awful my life is, I just can’t do it. During the exam he told me I was 19 weeks pregnant.
I knew enough to know that in about another month that baby could live outside the womb. Because of this pregnancy, I ended up leaving my abusive relationship and taking my other two children into hiding.
My son was born with a smile on his face. He just celebrated his 26th birthday on May 9th.
When I look at my son today, he is such a beautiful soul and everyone loves him. Since Kent was born he’s always had this beautiful smile.
He was born 6 days after my own birthday and after he was born, life got better.
At the time I was in an abusive relationship, working at an awful minimum wage job and didn’t know what to do.But people helped me. We lived in an empty apartment without furniture for 6 months.
Today, I’ve become somebody because when I was at the point of giving up, I didn’t.
It’s really important that no matter the situation someone is in, organizations give them options. They need to be able to make a decision based on factual information and resources.
I’m so glad that I changed my mind that day. I was on the table and the doctor had the needle in his hand. I was seconds away from aborting my son.
I never thought I’d ever tell anyone this story. His life is not only a gift to me, but to the world.
It’s so important that women don’t make decisions out of fear or not having resources and information.The more education, support, and resources you have makes your life easier.”
Citește mărturia aici.

UK Premier League star opens up on premature birth of daughter at 24 weeks
(Right to Life UK) Premier League footballer Ben Mee has opened up on the recent premature birth of his daughter who was born 16 weeks early.
The Burnley captain told BBC Five Live how he and his wife, Sarah, had been on a “rollercoaster” of emotions following the birth of their daughter, Olive Grace, who was born at 24 weeks and four days weighing just 1 pound 2 ounces (510g).
Fortunately, despite being born 16 weeks early, Olive has progressed well and is just another example of the increasing survival rates for premature babies. Citește mai mult

Fetal development – Part 7
Week 9-10 – baby develops fingernails and toenails
After 8 weeks of growth have finished, an embryo becomes known as a fetus.
At this point, she can grasp, sigh and stretch, and feel light touch through nerves in the face, palms and feet. She has formed distinct fingers and toes, and may occasionally have the hiccups.
At 10 weeks fingernails and toenails, as well as fingerprints, begin to form. The embryo is now about 1 1/2 inches long.
Citește mai mult despre dezvoltarea intrauterină a copilașului aici.