Misiune:Fiecare tânăr să aleagă viața

Etichetă: March for Life


Monica Radu, in a wheelchair, mother of three children, The March for Life 2019: „Here is the joy of celebrating life”

Foto: Cătălin Apostol It is a great pleasure to see you coming here in such a large number, because what is here is called Joy. The joy of celebrating life! I wondered why was I invited to speak in front of you. And I thought that, in fact, I only

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Press release: The March for Life 2017 in Romania: 110,000 de participants in 138 cities

PHOTO: A young volunteer carries a pro-life sign with a pregnant woman at the March for Life 2017 in Bucharest on March 25th, 2017. The drawing shows the woman saying "MY body, MY choice", while her baby is drawn saying: "MY body, YOUR choice, Mommy". On March 25th, 2017, 138


Vezi cele mai tari poze de la Marșul pentru viață Washington 2017

Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews Credit: Steve Jalsevac / LifeSiteNews


Students for Life din SUA ne arată în 88 de secunde sutele de mii de participanți la Marșul pentru viață 2017 Washington, D.C.

Sutele de mii de participanți la Marșul pentru viață 2017 din Washington, D.C., fotografiați de pe un acoperiș înalt și… comprimați în 88 de secunde! Un clip minunat, despre sute de mii de oameni cărora le pasă de femei și copii aflați în situații dificile. Wow! Check out this awesome


Download for free our editable versions of the 2016 Pro-Life, Pro-Family Calendar “Childhood is…” – print version, desktop backgrounds, versions for smartphone and Facebook

After two years of insuccessful attempts, this time we are delighted to have published our first pro-life, pro-family calendar, with the help of many collaborators of our associations, Studenti pentru Viata (“Students for Life”)! We have printed both a desk calendar and a pocket calendar, de but we have also


Pro-life drawings – March for Life 2015 „Every life is a gift” 3/3

The drawings can be downloaded from here at printing resolution.  


Pro-life drawings – March for Life 2015 „Every life is a gift” 2/3

The drawings can be downloaded from here at printing resolution.


Pro-life drawings – March for Life 2015 „Every life is a gift” 1/3

The drawings can be downloaded from here at a higher resolution.