Misiune:Fiecare tânăr să aleagă viața

Etichetă: abortion

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Press release: The March for Life 2017 in Romania: 110,000 de participants in 138 cities

PHOTO: A young volunteer carries a pro-life sign with a pregnant woman at the March for Life 2017 in Bucharest on March 25th, 2017. The drawing shows the woman saying "MY body, MY choice", while her baby is drawn saying: "MY body, YOUR choice, Mommy". On March 25th, 2017, 138


Begging for Love. Recollections of an Adopted Child

  There’s no man who doesn’t hide in his heart an impressive collection of guilty deeds, pain, suffering, sadness, failure and frustration, hopelessness and disappointment. All of us have hidden them well. Fear, guilt, shame of our thoughts and deeds are buried deep inside the closet, where we are sure