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Etichetă: pregnant

Blog Știri

Doamnei care se ruşinează pentru că e însărcinată a patra oară

de Sylvia Bass de Sylvia Bass Te-am întâlnit în lift când mă întorceam de la pediatru. Eram doar eu și Wren. Te-ai uitat la ea cu drag în cărucior. Când s-a oprit liftul, ai fost foarte amabilă şi ai ţinut ușile deschise ca să pot ieşi. Dar, fiind neîndemânatica, ţi-am


The Pregnant Teenagers’ Problems

We are so happy to see parents look at cartoons, play volleyball and behaving like school kids. We often wonder how they were at our age. We think they have always been grown-ups, they have always done good deeds and they learned well in school. But what if mom and


Let Me Tell You a Nice Story!

Mom could not have children because of a virus. She was once pregnant, but she lost the baby at 16 weeks. After endless treatment failed, she decided, together with Dad – God rest his soul! – to adopt. They started looking around, connecting, networking… In the end, some close friends