After two years of insuccessful attempts, this time we are delighted to have published our first pro-life, pro-family calendar, with the help of many collaborators of our associations, Studenti pentru Viata (“Students for Life”)!
We have printed both a desk calendar and a pocket calendar, de but we have also made available desktop backgrounds, smartphone backgrounds and even a Facebook version.
From the links below, you can download for free both the final files and the source files.
You are free to reprint them.
You are also free to rebrand the calendar with your own pro-life association’s logo.
Apart from the logo, if you wish to introduce new elements (other than eliminating the SpV and FpF brands and replacing them with your own), please send us a message at to discuss the changes.
Desk calendar, 21×12 cm format, print file (it can be edited by importing it into Adobe Illustrator)
Calendar (various sizes) for desktop background, final file and (editable) source file.
Calendar (various sizes) for smartphone, final file and (editable) source file
Calendar for Facebook (Facebook cover and profile picture), final file and (editable) source file