Foto: Raluca Ene, Basilica

On Saturday 23 March, Romania and the Republic of Moldova celebrated the 2019 March for Life „Unique from the first second”. The March is the culmination of the pro-life events in the Month for life 2019, 1-31 March, which takes place in more than 670 cities and villages in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

What can we do in the face of 1 billion abortions in the last century? In the face of 42 million abortions that took place in the world in 2018? Or in the face of over 23 million abortions in Romania since 1958? Let us express the truth about the life of the child that is about to come in the world and support women in crisis.

This year’s march for life has shown that the pro-life attitude wins the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Romanians. Every year, more and more people understand that solidarity saves lives, that the support for women in pregnancy crisis is something natural and vital to a society that respects life.

„Today, life wins in 670 cities from Romania and Republic of Moldova. Thanks to you, we are now thousands of arms stretching towards women in pregnancy crisis, showing them that we are by their side. Thanks to you, we are thousands of hearts that knock alongside unborn babies, bearing in them the desire to protect them. Thanks to you, we are thousands of voices saying „Yes, I am grateful for the gift of life! said Eliza Maria Cloţea, chairman of the Students’ for Life Association and student in the 5th year at the „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

The truth that every person is unique from the moment of conception and the joy of women who overcome a pregnancy crisis are the arguments that show that the pro-life attitude and deeds are the future of society.

In Bucharest, the March was organized by the Students for Life Association with the support of the Romania for Life Association.

The concert Live for Life was held after the March, and testimonies were given on stage by public figures, people who had gone through pregnancy crises, supporters of pro-life values. Singers were Robert Patai, Ioana Picoş, Raluca Blejuşcă and Dumitriţa Sinița. Eliza-Maria Cloțea, chairman of the Students for Life Association in Bucharest, Alexandra Nadane, chairman of the Romania for Life Association, Independent MEP Cătălin Ivan, Monica Radu, a mother raising her three children from the wheelchair, Claudia Ilinca, volunteer at the Down Plus Association Bucharest read the message of Georgeta Bucur, chairman of the association, pro-life trainer Lavinia Stan, mother of six children, singer Ozana Barabancea, Dorin Popa, kinetotherapist working with children with disabilities, director Ivona Boitan and actress Manuela Hărăbor.

Some of the organizers’ proposals include:
• establishment of support centers for the woman in pregnancy crisis (in the USA, there are more than three times more centers than abortion clinics, while in Romania we have only about 10);
• granting, starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, a universal allowance for the pregnant woman;
• establishing an adoption procedure starting from pregnancy, following the American and British models.

Students for Life Association
March 23, 2019